Foto; Allahyarham Ayahanda Rafiee Ahmad (berbaju cokelat) bersama rakan-rakan seperjuangannya menentang Malayan Union.
"The Malayan Union was a confederation of the Malay states and the Straits Settlements excluding Singapore, which was placed as a crown colony under direct British rule. It was the successor to British Malaya and was conceived to simplify the administration of British colonies in the Malay Peninsula. It was formed on April 1, 1946 by the British.
Malayan citizenship gave equal rights to citizens regardless of race. Citizenship was based on the jus soli principle. The head of state changed from the "Sultan" to the "President". The Sultans, the traditional rulers of the Malay states, conceded all their powers to the British Crown except in the matters of culture and religion. The Union would be ultimately placed under the rule of a British Governor.
The idea of the Union was first expressed by the British on October 1945 in the aftermath of the Second World War by the British Military Administration. Sir Harold MacMichael was assigned the task of gathering the Malay state rulers' approval for the Malayan Union in the same month. In a short period of time, he managed to obtain all the Rulers’ signatures through intimidation.
On April 1, 1946 the Malayan Union officially came into existence with Sir Edward Gent as its first governor. The capital of the Union was Kuala Lumpur.
The Malays generally opposed the creation of the Union. The opposition was due mainly to the methods Sir Harold MacMichael used to acquire the Sultans’ signatures, the reduction of the Sultans’ powers, and the granting of citizenship to non-Malay immigrants and their descendants-- especially the ethnic Chinese, not only because of their racial and religious difference but also because their economic dominance was seen as a threat to the Malays. The United Malays National Organization, or UMNO, a Malay political association formed by Dato’ Onn Jaafar on March 1, 1946, led the opposition against the Malayan Union.
Due to protest inside the Malayan Union, the British finally conceded to local opposition. The Malayan Union ceased to exist on July, 1948. It was replaced by the Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu in Malay) which recognised the position of the Malays as the definitive people of Malaya as well as outlining stricter conditions on the granting of citizenship.'
(Ref; Zakaria Haji Ahmad. Government and Politics (1940-2006). p.p 30-21)
Begitulah sedikit ringkasan sejarah Malayan Union yahg hanya dapat bertahan sekitar dua tahun sahaja setelah mendapat tentangan hebat dari pejuang-pejuang Melayu pada waktu itu.
Warisan Yas amat berasa bangga untuk mencatatkan bahawa antara mereka yang telah samasama menyertai demontrasi menentang Malayan Union dulu ialah Allahyarham Ayahanda Rafiee Ahmad sebagaimana tertera dalam gambar di atas.
Beliau yang lahir pada 13hb., Mac, 1922, telah kembali kerahmatullah pada 19hb., Mac, 2007, dengan meninggalkan seorang balu Hajjah Milaton bt Abdullah (lahir 31/12/1930) serta 11 orang anak, 37 orang cucu dan 30 orang cicit. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang soleh. Al-Fatihah.
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