Some of us in our family are about to retire from work in the next few years. A typical daunting question ensued as to what shall we do upon retirement. Would it be just about waking up everyday in the morning, eat and sleep, and doing nothing until one day we dont wake up at all.
Like it or not we have to plan what to do before the time comes. Some plans require time to be realised that it is imperative for would-be retirees to plan ahead.
A ship that wants to travel from Port Klang to London has to plan well ahead to have enough food, fresh water, supplies for its passengers and crew, of which route to take, which port to dock, and be well-equipped with sea travel requirements throughout its journey. Failing which, the ship may end up in a rock somewhere. Nobody plans to fail but many fail to plan.
My retirement is coming in the next two years. Here I would like to share ideas of devising my retirement plan currently at draft stage. Like any plan there must be elements of a vision, mission, SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats). strategies and plan of actions. While it is too tedious and monotonous to narrate all those things here may be I would just summarise about the 10 things I want to do after 60 (in 2010).
I want to enjoy life with my spouse, children, grandchildren, relatives and good friends! These are people who truly love me and not for what I have.
Enjoy what I am and what I have now and stop working hard for what I do not have. I suppose if I do not have them, it's probably too late to seek one.
Spend a major part of whatever I have saved. I think I deserve to enjoy the few healthy years I have left. Travel visit to Mecca every year and tour countries I have not been; Russia, Italy, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Norway, India, New Zealand.
Spend a major part of whatever I have saved. I think I deserve to enjoy the few healthy years I have left. Travel visit to Mecca every year and tour countries I have not been; Russia, Italy, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Norway, India, New Zealand.
Divulge my free time to documentise all of my invaluable knowledge and experience into books and CDs for the benefit of those I would leave behind. Titles may include but not least of the followings;
(1)‘WARISAN YAS 2 - extension of Warisan Yas 1 on family roots to current generations.
(2)‘MNAGING LIFE’ in the Millennium,
(3)‘Low Cost’ MARKETING,
(4)Marketing in the HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY,
(5)‘60an’ SUATU ERA KEHIDUPAN (Stories, Anecdotes, Pictures, Songs, & Lyrics.).
(1)‘WARISAN YAS 2 - extension of Warisan Yas 1 on family roots to current generations.
(2)‘MNAGING LIFE’ in the Millennium,
(3)‘Low Cost’ MARKETING,
(4)Marketing in the HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY,
(5)‘60an’ SUATU ERA KEHIDUPAN (Stories, Anecdotes, Pictures, Songs, & Lyrics.).
Enjoy with my grandchildren (if I am blessed with any) but not to the level of being their full time baby sitter.
Enjoy with my grandchildren (if I am blessed with any) but not to the level of being their full time baby sitter.
Accept reality of physical weakness, sickness and other physical pains as part of the aging process. I want to enjoy whatever my health can allow.
Focus on making people happy, not on indulging in or accumulating material things.
Focus on making people happy, not on indulging in or accumulating material things.
I want to forgive as well as accept forgiveness (except 'hutang') as I want to enjoy peace of mind and soul.
I want to forgive as well as accept forgiveness (except 'hutang') as I want to enjoy peace of mind and soul.
Death is a natural part of the life cycle and is the beginning of a new and better life. So, I want to prepare myself not for death but for a new life in the Next Life.
Death is a natural part of the life cycle and is the beginning of a new and better life. So, I want to prepare myself not for death but for a new life in the Next Life.
10. ALLAH S.W.T.
Be at peace with Allah SWT as I have always try to be. For... He is all I have after I leave this world.
Be at peace with Allah SWT as I have always try to be. For... He is all I have after I leave this world.
InsyaAllah. Do'akan lah ye. Wasalam.
Subhanallah,,thanks bro,,your writings on this matter had really moved me & made me realize upon true life's meaning,,
ReplyDeleteYour plan here is actually not only valid for retiree wannabees,,but I do think it is very good for all ages range,,for it gives them correct attitude & magnitude towards life,,whatever they're pursuing,,nice,,