Allah SWT berfirman;
"Bersyukurlah kepada Ku dan kepada kedua orang tua mu sedang kepada Ku engkau akan kembali" -
Surah Luqman Ayat 14 -

Rasulullah SAW bersabda;
"Ajarkanlah nasab-nasab kamu yang dapat kamu pergunakan untuk menyambung kekeluargaan kamu. Kerana perhubungan kekeluargaan adalah satu hal yang dicintai dalam keluarga, memperkembangkan harta dan memanjangkan jejak"
- Hadith riwayat Ahmad, Hakim & Thurmudzi -.

Allahyarham Yasir Ahmad (1901-1975) berpesan;
Setitik dakwat biar membantu,
Sepatah kata biar memandu

Mengambil pedoman dari firman, hadith dan kata-kata itu lahirlah Blogspot Warisan Yas yang diharap akan dapat menjadi salah satu wadah untuk mencerna keharmonian hidup berkeluarga, merapatkan hubungan silaturahim, berkongsi ilmu dan berinteraksi demi kebaikan bersama dalam usaha mencapai kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.

Sunday, 25 May 2008


Menurut suatu kajian di Amerika Syarikat mereka yang punya kereta berwarna hijau, biru gelap dan perak, mempunyai sikap positif dalam hidup serta punya keyakinan diri yang tinggi. Hitam pula melambangkan kuasa dan gaya, samentara merah melambangkan sifat yang agresif dan panduan laju.
Untuk ulasan lanjut sila rujuk kepada petikan rencana oleh Rick Newman dari U.S. News bertarikh May 13, 2008 saperti berikut;

With gas prices nearing $4 per gallon, are there any cheerful drivers left on the road? Well, if there are, chances are they're driving a green car.
People who own emerald green automobiles, it turns out, have the most positive attitude about the course of their own lives.

Dark blue and silver are other colors chosen by upbeat people. Red supposedly connotes an aggressive, high-speed personality, while yellow, theoretically, is for folks with sunny dispositions.

But survey data show that people who drive red or yellow cars have below-average confidence. And black cars, supposedly a sign of power and elegance, are driven by the most downbeat drivers of all.

The automotive color-coding comes from CNW Marketing Research in Bandon, Ore., which asked nearly 1,900 Americans about their attitudes toward their own lives at several points over the course of a year.CNW also asked each respondent the color of the car they drive most often, which allowed the researchers to develop a kind of color-confidence index.
Since the folks at CNW got a range of answers for each respondent over time, they were also able to calculate the "moodiness" of drivers—how widely their confidence varied from one extreme to the other, in the course of a year.

Sedate colors, not surprisingly, correlate with consistent moods. But if a primary color suddenly fills your rear-view mirror—well, it's probably best to get out of the way:There are better clinical indicators of mental health, needless to say, but Art Spinella of CNW says car color can be a useful "people-matching" tool.

"Your accountant should drive something silver," he advises.
And odds are pretty good that he does: Silver, white, and black—more stable hues—are the most common car colors, according to DuPont, which publishes an annual color popularity report.
More moody colors account for about 17 percent of cars.'

Emerald green ...............................5.5% above average
Dark blue .......................................3.2% above average
Silver .............................................1.2% above average
White .............................................Average
Sunny yellow ..................................3.7% below average
Orange ...........................................4.1% below average
Bright blue .....................................5.5% below average
Bright yellow ..................................8.3% below average
Red ................................................8.8 % below average
Black .............................................14.6% below average
WARISAN YAS ....menjana kerukunan keluarga bahagia

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